Your data is designed to be kept safe through several mechanisms:
Guardrails and Filters: The copilot includes features like blocking not-safe-for-work (NSFW) content and limiting responses to specific contexts. This ensures that sensitive or inappropriate content is not processed or generated, adding a layer of protection to your data.
User Access Control: You can control who has access to different data sets within the copilot by assigning roles and permissions. This restricts data access to authorized users only.
Bucket Assignment: Data is organized into specific buckets, and you can assign a copilot to only access data from a designated bucket. This ensures that your data is not mixed or improperly accessed by other parts of the system.
Third-Party Integration Controls: When connecting with third-party systems, you have control over which specific data sources are integrated, and how the copilot accesses them, helping to secure the flow of information.
Prompt Layer Security: Additional prompts can be used to control what data the copilot accesses and shares, further safeguarding your information.